The Story of a Sprint – Staffing for Financial Services


90%Requisition Address Rate

100% Audit Compliance

Talent Delivered

  • >70% of fills below the financial average & the rest at average
  • Built a long-standing pipeline of candidates for client
  • Ranked 7 out of 45+ vendors
Industry Financial
Services Staffing

Indotronix took on a short term staffing project for a Financial Services client that was incredibly successful, with >70% of fills being below the specified rate.


Indotronix began staffing for a Financial Services client after a large RFP (we were part of the <2% selected). This was our first direct client in this industry, so we were humbled & excited to take on this challenge.


There was no hiring manager contact, and we were only allowed one submission per requisition.

Services Provided

We had a singular focus on recruitment & building a pipeline of candidates. We were ultimately successful, ranking 7th out of 45+ vendors. We consistently demonstrated cost-savings, with more than 70% of our fills totaling below the specified rate. We consistently achieved a Requisition Address rate of around 90% & had 100% audit compliance by the end of the contract. In the words of the client, we were a “showcase vendor”.