Privacy Policy

Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 07/01/04

Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is committed to protecting the privacy and security of our website visitors. Our Privacy Policy describes the types of information we collect from our website users, how we use this information, and the steps we take to protect this information from unauthorized use. This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.’s website. Please review this Privacy Policy carefully before using our website.

Information We Collect

In general, we gather information about site users such as what areas users visit most frequently. We only use such data anonymously and in the aggregate. This information helps us to create a better overall website for our users.

In order to provide certain services requested by users of our website (e.g., requests for additional information, online resume submission, user feedback, etc.), we need to collect users’ personal information. This information may include your name and your contact information (including your e-mail address), as well as information about your work history and other information as required to fulfill your requests. This information will be used to enable Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. to fulfill your requests as indicated by your use of our services. Your personal information will only be used by Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. as specified in the ‘Information Use and Disclosure’ section of the Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Privacy Policy (see below).

You will have the option of not providing your personal information if you so choose. If you elect not to provide your personal information, you will not be able to use the services that require your personal information and you will only be able to access generalized portions of the website.

Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. may also elect to “opt out” of certain uses of your information, or elect not to receive future communications from you.

Information Use and Disclosure

Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. does not disclose information about your individual visits to Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.’s website or personal information that you provide to us to any outside parties without your prior permission. Before submitting personal information using the Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. website, you will be required to give Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. permission to use your personal information as necessary to perform the requested service(s) and to affirm your understanding and agreement with this privacy policy. If you choose not to permit use of your personal information or to affirm your understanding and agreement with this privacy policy, you will be unable to use the services that require your personal information and you will only be able to access generalized portions of the website.

In general, the personal information that you submit to Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is only shared within the company on a “need to know” basis, in order to fulfill your requests. In certain cases (i.e., online resume submission, online job application, partner program application), however, Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. may need to disclose your personal information to third parties in order to fulfill your requests. In many cases, your shared personal information is protected by confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements with these third parties; however, Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is not responsible for the privacy of personal information disclosed to any external entities.

Your personal information may be disclosed to third parties as follows:

Information Type Potential Third Parties
(Note: these lists may not be comprehensive)
Resume Information Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. clients, Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. business partners, Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. vendors (e.g., job search websites), your former employers (for resume verification purposes)
Partner Information Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. business partners, Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. vendors (for evaluation purposes (e.g., financial institutions, insurance companies, credit agencies, external legal council, etc.)

Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. will also share your personal information with authorized third parties when we believe it is required by law or to protect Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd., our website users, or others.

Data Security

Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. restricts access to your personal information to those employees who need to know this information to provide the services that you request. Although Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. takes strict precautions to prevent unauthorized access to your personal information, we cannot guarantee that these precautions will prevent third parties from illegally accessing this information.

Correction of Information

Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. will make all reasonable attempts to ensure that your personal information is accurate and up-to-date. If you would like to correct or update any personal information that you have submitted to Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. via the Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. website, please contact us with the updated/corrected information. We will inform you when your information has been updated. If we are unable to update your information for any reason, we will notify you of our inability to update it.

Right of Access

Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has an area on the site where you can submit feedback. Any feedback that is submitted through this area becomes the property of Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.. We may use this feedback for marketing purposes or to contact you for further feedback on the site.


We do not collect information from or about children. We believe that children should get their parents’ consent before giving out personal information. If you do not want your child to visit the Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. website, we encourage you to use Web filtering technology to accomplish this.

Privacy Policy Changes

We reserve the right to change or update this privacy policy without notice at any time, at our discretion. Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted here so that you will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information, and to whom it may be disclosed. If, at any time, you have questions or concerns about Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.’s commitment to privacy, please feel free to contact us online or call us at (845) 473-1137.

Thank you for visiting the Avani Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. website!